In Memoriam: Joan Kay
Joan Kay died peacefully March 23, 2024 at the home of her son, Ian. As neighbors and friends for nearly forty years, we shared many good times and some challenging personal ones too: hiking, coffee on cold MN winter mornings, art house movies, Academy Awards and Kentucky Derby viewing, picketing for causes important to us. Most of all, we shared a deep love of the Santa Monica Mountains and a commitment to preserve these mountains as open space for all.
We joined forces in the mid 1980’s at MNVCA Board meetings and were soon immersed in a LA County Board of Supervisors race involving another icon of the mountains, Don Wallace, running against Michael Antonovich in 1988. Does anyone still remember the giant purple blow-up kangaroo suit Joni donned at every Antonovich event just to harass his campaign? Or her part in the 1970’s MN vs LVMWD lawsuit? King Gillette and Ahmanson Ranch acquisition battles? Joni was there; enthusiastic, optimistic, persistent, stubbornly committed to keeping the SMMs the special place they are.
Joan and family moved to Monte Nido in 1960. I loved hearing the history of our “hood” from the 1960’s and 1970’s. She had many interesting stories to tell of that iconic era! Joni’s love of all things equestrian and artistic (especially Native American), plus her unique sense of humor made her a wonderful friend. The often over used words “independent woman”, especially 60 years ago, along with perseverant, adventurous (she traveled to Europe alone in the 1970’s), courageous, ingenious in solving all the problems life throws at you define the Joni I knew and so miss.
Saturday morning, March 23, it rained from about 6AM to 8:45. Almost immediately, the sun came out and a beautiful rainbow arched in the western sky, right over Joni’s house. It was so spectacular I called and urged two friends to look outside. About an hour and a half later, Ian called me to say his mom died peacefully at 9AM. Rest in peace, my friend.
written by Joan Slimocosky